Back to school time is crucial for setting the tone for the rest of the academic year. Engaging students from day one can significantly impact their enthusiasm and participation. One effective way to make learning fun is by using digital trashketball templates to make back to school games. These interactive games can break the ice, review previous content, reinforce classroom rules, and more. Here’s how you can use trashketball games to make back to school more exciting and productive.

What is trashketball?
Trashketball is a wonderful way of getting students excited about learning. Most of the time it’s used for reviewing skills and envigorating mundane test prep, but it can also be used in other ways.
Materials needed:
- Trash can
- Ball
- Problems to solve
Game instructions:
- Split your class into teams.
- Display a question from the game
- Teams get points for correct answers and a chance to shoot a basket for bonus points.

Icebreaker Questions
Purpose: Help students get to know each other in a fun and interactive way.
Using a trashketball game for icebreaker questions can help students feel more comfortable and connected. Here are some example questions that any student can answer:
- What is your favorite book or movie?
- If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
- What’s the best thing you did over the summer?
- Do you have any pets? If so, what kind?
- What is your favorite subject in school and why?
- If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
These questions help students share a bit about themselves, fostering a sense of community in the classroom. With icebreaker questions, there are no “correct” answers. Allow students to shoot a basket each time they answer a question.

Review Previous Year’s Content
Purpose: Refresh students’ memories of what they learned last year.
Digital trashketball is a great tool for reviewing content from the previous year. Create questions based on key concepts and let students take turns answering them. Examples of questions can include:
- Math problems to solve.
- Vocabulary words to define.
- Historical facts to recall.
Mix different types of questions like multiple choice, true/false, and short answer to keep things interesting. Encourage teamwork by having students work in small groups to answer the questions.

Learning Classroom Rules
Purpose: Reinforce classroom rules and procedures in an interactive manner.
Learning classroom rules doesn’t have to be boring. Use a trashketball game to make it fun and engaging. Here are some sample questions you can include in this back to school game:
- What should you do if you need to leave the classroom during a lesson?
- How do you signal to the teacher that you have a question?
- What are the expectations for group work?
- How do you submit homework assignments?
- What is the classroom policy on using electronic devices?
Using scenarios and asking students what the correct action should be can help them better understand and remember the rules. You can also allow students to create their own questions about the rules to get them more involved.
Reviewing Classroom Procedures and Expectations
Purpose: Ensure students understand and remember the daily routines and expectations.
Reviewing classroom procedures and expectations is essential at the start of the school year. Create questions about daily procedures and classroom expectations, such as:
- What is the first thing you do when you enter the classroom?
- How do you indicate that you need help during independent work time?
- What is the procedure for turning in completed assignments?
- How should you line up when it’s time to leave the classroom?
- What is the classroom policy on talking during lessons?
Creating a friendly competition by dividing the class into teams can make this activity more engaging.

Brain Breaks with School Trivia
Purpose: Give students a fun break while keeping them engaged and learning.
Brain breaks are important to keep students focused and energized. Use digital trashketball for short, fun breaks with school trivia questions. Here are some question ideas:
- What year was our school founded?
- How many teachers work at our school?
- What are the school colors or mascot?
- Name three extracurricular activities offered at our school.
- Who is the principal of our school?
Using fun facts about the school can create a sense of community. Incorporate multimedia elements like pictures or short videos in the questions to make the game more interesting.

Back to School Games
Digital trashketball templates can make back to school an exciting and engaging time for students. From icebreaker questions to reviewing previous content and learning classroom rules, these back to school games can help set a positive tone for the year. Encourage students to participate and make learning fun right from the start.
Don’t have time to make your own trashketball games? Check out done-for-you games on Teachers Pay Teachers.