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Boom Cards Fast Play – How to Make the Most of a Free Boom Membership

The best way to learn math is to DO math.

Kids need a lot of practice to master a skill, but repetitive guided practice can be boring. One way I fight boredom is by using Boom Cards Fast Play to keep students engaged. The good news is Fast Play is included in the free starter Boom Learning account!

Why Boom Cards?

There are many reasons why I love using Boom Cards in my class. My favorite feature is the immediate feedback students receive as they answer each question. Affordability is another reason I love using Boom Cards.

The Price is Right!

Boom Learning has several affordable memberships to choose from. However, during my guided practice I frequently use Fast Play which is available with the FREE starter membership. In addition, you can find many different Boom decks (sets of cards) for free. You can easily incorporate Boom Learning into your lessons without spending a dime! What’s not to love??

What You Need

  • internet enabled computer (or other device)
  • data projector (for whole group practice)
  • free Boom Learning account
  • Boom Card deck for your desired skill

How to set up Fast Play

When using Boom Cards for guided practice, begin by getting the FastPin link.

  1. Login and go to your library.
  2. Find the deck you want to use.
  3. Click the arrow on the Action button.
how to use boom cards fast play
  1. Select Fast Pin.
  1. Click on Generate New Pin.
  1. Copy and paste the URL into your browser.
  2. Begin playing!
fast play url

The pin you generated is only good for 5 days. If you want to use the deck after the 5 days are up, no problem! Just go generate a new pin and you’re good to go.

How I Use Fast Play for guided practice

I display the deck through my data projector. As we work through the deck, students answer each problem at their desk. My students usually write directly on their desk with dry erase markers (another way to add fun to guided practice time). After I have checked their responses, one student will either come up to the board and click on the correct answer or go to my teacher computer and select the correct answer.

Fast Play Limitations

I absolutely LOVE using the free Fast Play option with my class. Fast Play is great for providing students with meaningful practice because students receive immediate feedback. However, there is a limitation to Fast Play. Boom Learning does not track student progress with the free teacher account. If you want to track student progress (or take grades), you will need to upgrade your membership.

Free Ebook

Boom Cards are an amazing tool that can be used for free. Are you ready to give Boom cards a try? Download Getting Started with Boom Cards to try this great tool for yourself.

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Hi, I’m Deirdre. Thanks for dropping by. I love supporting 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers with simple and engaging activities. Let me help you make teaching easier.


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