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Modifying Google Forms Assignments is Easy!

happy student using a google forms assessment in math

Do you have students who need their work modified? I have great news for teachers who use Google apps. Google Forms is very easy to modify. No more “one size fits all” digital assignments. Modifying Google Forms assignments only takes a few minutes and changes are automatically saved in Google Drive. You can save time by reusing the same modified assignments year after year.

Make a Copy

IMPORTANT – Before you begin making changes to your Google form, it is VERY important to first save a copy of the original file on your own Google Drive.

To make a copy, click on the three dots in the top, right corner of your screen. Then select “make a copy”.

make a copy of your google forms assignment before making changes

Google Forms will rename your assignment “copy of …” by default. Consider changing the name to something more meaningful. I typically rename my files version 2, version 3, etc.

rename your copy to something meaningul

Shorten the Assignment

If you have students who need shortened assignments, you can easily delete questions. Just click on the trashcan icon to remove a question.

an easy way to modify a google forms assignment is to shorten the assignment by deleting questions

Once questions are removed the total point value of the assignment will change. You may want to consider changing the value of the remaining questions if you want a 100 point grading scale.

you may need to change the point value of the questions

Change the point value for each question by clicking on “answer key” then typing the new value in the box.

change the point value by typing in the textbox

Modify the Question

One way to modify an assignment in Google Forms is to change the wording of the question. In many cases, you can edit the question by typing over the existing text. Consider changing the difficulty of the vocabulary being used and the sentence structure complexity.

change picture in question by clicking on 3 dots beside image

If the question contains graphics, change out the image by clicking on the 3 dots beside the picture.

Change the Answer Type

If you don’t like the answer type, you can easily change it. Click in the top right corner of the question box and select your preferred answer type.

google forms has many options for types of answers

Reduce the Answer Choices

Click on the X beside an answer choice to delete that choice. This is great if you have special students in your class who benefit from fewer answer choices.

an easy way to modify a google forms assignment is to reduce the number of answer choices by deleting some of the choices

I love using Google Forms in my class. One of the reasons why is because of how easy Google Forms is to modify for my students. Did you know you can print out Google Forms assignments? This is great if you have a student who needs to have a paper version of your digital assignment. Read this blog post for printing tips. You can read about other benefits of using Google Forms here.

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